A full day of WBNK programming - WBNK stands for "Bryan 'N Kevin" Television; a fictitious television broadcaster I made up to "air" the homemade movies made by me and my brother, Kevin. WBNK is a collection of homemade movies and commercials in the style of Saturday Night Live and Second City TV. Two of the productions, The Crimson Brigade, and The Errand, are linked below.
The Crimson Brigade (1979) - A home movie my brother and I made when we lived in West Germany. The name was a play on the 'Red Brigade', an Italian terrorist group active at the time. In the movie, terrorist Martini Crimson kidnaps millionaire Ambassador York for ransom. When the head of the Ambassador's security team absconds with the ransom money, Martini is forced to kill the Ambassador, a task he is unable to accomplish. Starring my life-long friend, George Davisson as York, Kevin Lawson as Martini, and I play the guard and executioner, and did the filming. (The Crimson Brigade is part of my "WBNK Project)).
The Errand (1982) - A home movie my brother and I made when we lived in Alabama. I remastered it in 2021. It features my first car, a 1963 Pontiac Bonneville convertible. The movie is about a father who goes to make breakfast and finds there is no milk in the fridge. He has a tantrum and orders his son to run a errand to get more milk. The plot is a little confusing because I play both the father and the son, and they're not well differentiated. The movie has three cameo appearances: My cousin Jeffrey plays the kid on a bicycle who gets run over, my cousin Rhonda plays my wife (in bed at the end), and our cat, Jammie is the cat pulled from under the hood when the engine won't start.
My Porsche part I - In 2007, I bought an example of my dream car -- The Porsche 911. No one can argue that the 911 is not a classic automobile. The unique rear-engine sports car has been produced in essentially the same body style from 1964 to 1998. Here, I am backing my 1990 Porsche 911 Carrera C4 up the driveway and taking off for a drive.
My Porsche part II - I wanted to get a feel for how it looked for others to see me in my Porsche, so here I am driving my 1990 Porsche 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet with the top down, once around our church parking lot.
The World's Smallest Car - Is it the Austin Mini? The Mini-Cooper? the Fiat 1500? The Smart? You might be surprised.
The World's Smallest Garage - Where do you park the World's smallest car? In the world's smallest garage.
My Trains - A favorite hobby of mine is repairing and operating toy trains. I have built a large-scale model train layout that I started around 2004, and have collected over a hundred train cars. When I found eBay, I went a little overboard on purchasing engines. It's a bit shocking how many engines I wound up with as this video shows.
"Fancy Like" Applebees - My sister-in-law recorded her grandchildren dancing to this Applebee's ad, so I downloaded the video and spliced them into the original commercial. (This Applebee's ad is part of my WBNK Project).
The Doghouse - An hilarious story presented in a low-pressure television ad for the Jewelry department at J.C. Penny.
The Doghouse Part II - In part I of this ad for the jewelry department at J.C. Penny, Donnie gets out of the doghouse. It's not long before he is sent back there, but he doesn't worry about it -- He's got it all figured out now.
The E*Trade Baby (1 of 4) In the 1980's (?) E*Trade did a series of commercials featuring a baby with a man's voice overdubbed encouraging potential investors to use the E-Trade online services. This one introduces the mobile app.
The E-Trade Baby (2 of 4) - The 401K Golf Game.
The E-Trade Baby (3 of 4) - Renting a clown with all the extra coin.
The E-Trade Baby (4 of 4) - Lindsey
The German Coast Guard - Dis ist die German Coast Guard...
The Cog - A two-minute British television ad produced by Honda in 2003 to promote the seventh-generation Accord. It follows the convention of a Rube Goldberg machine, conserving energy of motion in a continuous chain of colliding parts taken from a disassembled Accord. The full version of "Cog" took four days to film and was broadcast only a handful of times, and only in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Sweden. Despite its limited run, it is regarded as one of the most groundbreaking and influential commercials of the 2000s, and received more awards from the television and advertising industries than any commercial in history.
Spitfire Ad - In 1984, I bought a 1974 Triumph Spitfire from my friend George Davisson's dad (George appears in the home video The Crimson Brigade, above). It had a 1500cc engine, and wasn't very fast or reliable, but it was fun to drive. This ad for the Spitfire 1500 explains the need to not only stop fast, but to accelerate fast.
Batman - We've all heard the gravelly, raspy voice Christian Bale used to intimidate criminals in his portrayal of Batman in Batman Begins (2005). In this film, Batman interrogates the Joker, but the Joker has some difficulty understanding his guttural questioning.
Edwin's Corner - Edwin attempts to makes a puppet that looks like Trisha from a Lunch bag.
Edwin's Corner - Edwin makes a macaroni necklace to try to win the on of Trisha.
Blind Date - "Oh, I do it all the time."
This Old Shack - A parody of the popular PBS series, "This Old House," produced by PBS. ("This Old Shack" is part of the WBNK Project).
The REAL Air Force A fictional ad for the United States Air Force revealing what the typical workday is really like.
Capt Wedley, Batallion Disciplinator Reveals what happens when the Army hires on an Airman to increase discipline and improve productivity. Based on the Terry Tate commercials for Foot Locker
Talking to the Dog - Teasing a talking dog.
I Believe - People will believe whatever they see on the internet and especially social media -- even the ridiculous.
The Asch Conformity Experiment - An example of how powerful is the human desire to conform.
The Elevator - Another example of the Human desire to conform in action.
Basketball - An example of how the mind can miss the obvious when it is concetrating on one specific task.
The Escalator - A great illustration of lacck of motivatio or laziness/ When you won't take the obvious next step.
Equality - A Capuchine monkey demands equality.
It's Fun 2 Run - Pheobe from Friends shows Rachel it can be fun to run if you're not so uptight.
The World's Greatest Boss - Michael Scott of The Office is the World's Greatest Boss, and he has the mug to prove it.
Michael Scott Quotes - Just a few of my favorite "Michael Scotts".
Assistant To The Regional Manager - "Assistant TO THE Regional Manager" is not the same as "Assistant Regional Manager."
Eggs - Don't eat eggs in front of a pregnant woman.
Penny's Broken Arm - Penny slips and falls in the bath and Sheldon provides her comfort -- somewhat.
The Bridge of Death - Crusaders on search of the Holy Grail must answer three questions correctly to cross the "Bridge of Death."
"I Was Born A Poor Black Child." - Nathan Johnson.
All I Need - "I don't need you. All I need is the ashtray, and the paddle-ball game, and the remote control, and the box of matches, and the lamp, and a chair and a magazine, and that's all I need; but U don't need you."
Loving Embrace Community Church - There's no love lost at Loving Embrace Community Church
Invite a Friend to Church - Invite Someone you know to Church
Mormons - Sam Malone of Cheers asks, "Why can't Mormons buy flowers?"
Christmas According to Kids - told by kids, acted by adults
Easter According to Kids - told by kids, acted by adults
"Yesterday" - Remembering Yesterday in song.
The Bedroom Intruder Song - Kevin Antoine Dodson became an internet celebrity in 2010 after he was interviewed on NBC affiliate WAFF-48. An unknown intruder had attempted to rape his sister in the second-floor bedroom of their Lincoln Park housing project in Huntsville, Alabama. Antoine spoke directly to the camera in a passionate and flamboyant way, directly addressing the culprit with local vernacular. His interview went viral and resulted in the "Bed Intruder Song," an Auto-Tuned production by The Gregory Brothers that sold thousands of copies on iTunes and even appeared on the Billboard Hot 100 list.
What I Buy on eBay - My live performance of Weiird Al's song for a room full of youth at the church.
Tonight, You Belong To Me - I love Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters' duet from the 19779 movie The Jerk.