Online Genealogy Websites A-Z
NOTE: These links are provided as a courtesy by the Genealogical Society, but this is is not an endorsement of any site. Some of these websites may charge for a subscription. All Website links open in a new browser.
- A -
- Access Genealogy - This site contains one of the largest collections of free genealogy resources for your United States research, but be aware of the many pop-up ads (
- - Genealogy's largest pay site, but if you're a Tennessee resident, you can access the indexes free through the Tennessee Electronic Library. Learn how (
- Ancestry DNA - AncestryDNA® offers DNA analysis to give you much more information than just the places you’re from (
- The Ancestor Hunt - A free Genealogy site, but with a huge amount of advertising (theancestorhunt)
- - Provides access to free online Family Trees and Genealogical records. It is completely funded by the advertisers on the site (
- Adoption Records - Legally, Adoption Records cannot be posted online, but this site indexes the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Department of Public Health which may have records you can request (
- - a pay site you can use to discover your family's history (

- B -
- - BillionGraves is the world's largest free resource for searchable GPS cemetery data (

- C -
- Calvin M. McClung Digital Historical Collection - Free access to the the online catalog of the history and genealogy department of the Knox County Public Library. The collection contains rare and unique materials that chronicle the history and development of East Tennessee. (Knox County Public Library)
- Chronicling America - Free access to ditital images of historical U.S. newspapers (The Library of Congress)
- Civil War Trails® has been working with communities since 1994 to share their stories and connect visitors with small towns and big stories across a network that now spans six states (
- - a pay site, but you can view thousands of yearbooks online with free registration (
- Cyndi's List - Cyndi Ingle started her list as a project for a local genealogical society. She has made it into the world's largest free genealogy card catalog (Cyndi's List)

- D -
- The Digital Library of Tennessee provides free access to unique materials from museums, libraries, and archives across the state (The Tennessee Electronic Library)
- The Digital Public Library of America - Search 49 Million free images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States (The Digital Public Library)

- E -
- F -
- is the largest free genealogical website in the United States. Sponsored by the Church of the Latter-Day Saints (
- Find-A-Grave is the world's largest free collction of gravesite memorials (Find-A-Grave)
- Find My Past. A pay site containing North American birth, marriage and death records, starting from the early 1700s. (Find My Past)
- FileAE - the largest free source of French archives, civil records, and censuses for ancestors prior to 1920 (File AE)
- Free Birth, Marriage, Death - FreeBMD provides free Internet access to the transcribed records of UK Genealogy from England and Wales (Free BMD)
- Fold3. A pay site that lets you search military records online (Fold3)

- G -
- Genealogy is a genealogy topic forum of research originally posted in GenForum and popular genealogy articles (
- Genealogy Bank. A pay site featuring newspaper collections back to 1690 (genealogyBank)
- offers free access to hundreds of thousands of genealogy records (
- is a MyHeitage pay website. Users add and invite their close relatives to join their family tree (
- Genealogy Trails. Provides access to free Tennessee genealogy records transcribed by volunteer genealogists (Genealogy

- I -
- Internet Archive. A large collection of books that can be downoaded and read offline for free (

- J -
- JewishGen. The Global Home for free Jewish Genealogy (

- K -
- The Knox County Library Genealogy resource Page. Free access to American Ancestors,, and more (

- L -
- M -
- N -
- O -
- R -
- RootsWeb offers free access to its hosted Genealogy Websites (RootsWeb)*.
- websites hosted on RootsWeb will no longer be updated beginning in early 2024. The hosted sites will remain on RootsWeb, but only as static content.

- S -
- Storied. A pay site that helps you start a tree from scratch or upload from another site, and provides clues help you grow your tree and uncover new family from a growing historical record collection (

- T -
- The Tennessee Department of Health The Tennessee Vital Records Office keeps birth records for 100 years and death, marriage, and divorce records for 50 years; after that time, the records are sent to the Tennessee State Library and Archives for public access (
- The Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) provides free access to genealogical materials from museums, libraries, and archives across the state (Tennessee Electronic Library)
- The Tennessee Genealogcal Society is an organization for the study and investigation of genealogical history and has published genealogical records since 1954 (
- The Tennessee Genealogy Web Project. The single best free on-line resource for Tennessee genealogy & history research since 1996 (
- Tennessee Historical Society Publications. The THS produces the Tennessee Historical Quarterly, The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture, and special books, such as the 10-volume series Tennessee in the Civil War (
- Tennessee State Library and Archives (Resources) free access to research catalog for Genealogists (
- Tennessee State Library and Archives (Records). Search the free collection of birth, death, military, and legal records (
- The Tennessee Virtual Archive - the digital repository of the Tennessee State Library & Archives providing free access to thousands of photographs, documents, maps, and other records (

- U -
- U.S. GenWeb Project - an all-volunteer free online resources for genealogical research (

- V -
- Virginia Genealogy a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Virginia ancestry, family history, and genealogy (
- Virginia Geneaogical Society, promoting family history and research since 1960 (
- Virginia Library. A list of historical and genealogical societies of Virginia (
- Virgimia Memory the digital collections contained in the Library of Virginia (
- Virgimia Memory (Newspapers) digital newspaper collectiions in the Library of Virginia (

- W -
- WeRelate a shared approach to genealogy. By contributing to WeRelate you are helping to build a unified family tree containing the best information from all contributors (
- Wikitree - the internet's most accurate free family tree where genealogists collaborate to evaluate and incorporate viable sources (
- World Cat® - search the world’s largest collection of information on materials available in libraries worldwide (

- # -
- 23 and Me A pay site for DNA and ancestry services (